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About PALNI LibGuides

PALNI's LibGuides are provided courtesy of Springshare.  They have asked us to use them only for internal PALNI use, so these guides should not be shared with patrons directly without first being copied into your own LibGuides instance or website. See below for instructions on this process.  Please contact us with any questions or concerns.

-Eric and Ruth

Copyright Notice

Creative Commons License

All PALNI LibGuides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. PALNI’s logos and branding template are not covered by this license, and all rights to such material are reserved.


PALNI is a non-profit organization supporting collaboration for library and information services to the libraries of its supported institutions in Indiana. Over time, the library deans and directors who sit on the PALNI board have adjusted the organization’s strategic direction as the internet and information services landscape have changed. PALNI has expanded beyond providing a resource management system to sharing expertise in many areas including strategic planning, reference, information fluency, outreach, data management and configuration, and has identified greater collaboration in acquisitions as a key goal.

PALNI LibGuides, A-Z