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Online Course Assessment: Home

The PALNI Online Course Evaluation Task Force developed this toolkit resource, rubric, and the standards of online teaching effectiveness.


Welcome to the Online Course Assessment Toolkit!


The PALNI Online Course Evaluation Task Force (2018) developed this rubric and the standards of online teaching effectiveness. The rubric is based on the Blackboard Exemplary Course Rubric, OLC Quality Scorecard, and the Manchester University Course Review Rubric but has been modified to best meet the needs of faculty.


While there are certain elements listed on the rubric which, if absent from a course, would prevent it from launching, the rubric is intended to be used as a learning tool to provide guidance to faculty as they move courses online. Any area that is deemed “Developing” or “Incomplete” should be reviewed with the Instructional Designer or other individual in charge of course development/design at your institution (this might be your department chair and/or dean if there is no formal individual).

Online Course Assessment Video

Online Course Assessment Task Force

Task Force Charge
The Online Course Assessment Task Force is charged with identifying key course measures, assessment instruments, establishing a collaborative process for course development, design, and assessment.

Task Force Membership

Noah Brubaker | Associate Director | PALNI
Carla Harper | Instructional Designer | University of Indianapolis 
Melissa Rasmussen | Director of Instructional Design | Manchester University
Nathalie Rouamba | Instructional Designer | University of Saint Francis

For questions regarding this guide please contact Melissa Rasmussen [MMRasmussen@manchester.eduor Noah Brubaker [].

Copyright Notice

PALNI's Online Course Assessment Toolkit LibGuide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. PALNI’s logos and branding template are not covered by this license, and all rights to such material are reserved.

Creative Commons License


The Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (PALNI) is a 501(c)(3) owned by the twenty-four supported private academic institutions. The founding concept of PALNI is to collaborate to enhance teaching and learning through optimizing library resources and services. The academic landscape is growing more difficult with escalating financial pressures yet colleges and universities must provide excellent services and resources. The PALNI solution is to collaborate not only with other private academic institutions in Indiana, but also to partner with other groups and consortia to reduce costs and compete academically through innovative services.