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Transformative Website Style Guide: Stakeholders

This guide offers practical advice on creating a transformative library website.

Working with Campus Stakeholders

It is important to be in communication and alignment with campus departments responsible for the college/university website. What department has the final say on web content, and what are their expectations?



Question mark
  • What campus websites are there? (consider both external / public facing vs. internal sites as well as speciality sites such as athletics, campus bookstore, etc.)
  • What information should I put at each website? Where does the library website(s) need to live?
  • What is the procedure to place content on the campus website (or connected websites like a LibGuide)?
  • What are the parameters in place to add or modify content?
  • Who do I need to communicate significant changes to (i.e. redesigned LibGuides)?
Frequently. marketing and communication departments may have already established a brand toolkit or visual standards guide for the use of institutional logos, as well as a writing style guide for proper wording and capitalization of campus matters. They may also be able to create custom banners and images to enhance library content. Consider working with marketing and communications departments as an opportunity to improve your library website, not simply a hurdle to get past to move your information to the web. Their expertise can be extremely helpful.


Example: Butler University's "Brand Toolkit"

IT, education technology, and other related departments also have varying degrees of involvement with campus websites. Seek out what the guidelines and expectations are for institutional website content and adjust accordingly. Oftentimes campus stakeholders are willing to negotiate existing policies if they are given a clear rationale. Many are simply unaware of the importance of a library website.