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ACRL, IPEDS, and National Surveys

Support, guides and tutorials for PALNI libraries completing the ACRL, IPEDS, and other national surveys.

WMS Reports for Expenditures

Use of WMS reports for expenditures assumes that you do all materials ordering within WMS Acquisitions. If you do not have acquisitions module data or have incomplete data, you will need to use or supplement with another source, such as your business office reports.

If you consistently purchase specific material types within certain funds or shelving locations, you may choose to use those as alternative reports. The process is similar.

ACRL Question

Report Options

20; 20a: One-time purchases of books, serial back-files,
and other materials

Also reported in: IPEDS/ATS


PALNI Acquisitions Expenditures Template for ACRL/IPEDS


  • Payment Activity by Fund;
  • Payment Activity by Location;
  • Payment Activity by Material Format

21; 21a; 21b: Ongoing commitments to subscriptions

Also reported in: IPEDS/ATS


PALNI Acquisitions Expenditures Template for ACRL/IPEDS


  • Payment Activity by Fund;
  • Payment Activity by Location;
  • Payment Activity by Material Format

Acquisitions Expenditures (Toolkit)

PALNI Acquistions Expenditures Template for ACRL/IPEDS: Provides detailed list of items ordered during single budget period. Includes fund codes. Use prompt to select desired budget period. Input controls allow filtering of results by acquisitions type, order type, formats, and locations. Used to obtain sums of expenditures and item counts acquired for annual surveys. Export output to use Excel filters and pivot tables.

Input Types for report management:

  • Acquisitions Type: How an item is being acquired. Possible values include: Subscription or One-Time. Subscription indicates an ongoing commitment to purchase goods or services. One-Time indicates the purchase request is likely completed in a single transaction.
  • Order Type: An order belongs to one of the following types: Approval Plan, Purchase Order, Gift/Donation List, DDA Plan, Blanket Order, Standing Order, or Legal Deposit List. 
  • Processing Type: Category representing how an order item should be processed when it arrives. Possible values include: monograph (single volume), serial, and eproduct.


Payment Activity (Standard)

Go to WMS Analytics > Reports > Reports > Acquisitions Reports.  Open the Payment Activity by Material Format report.

Go to WMS Analytics > Reports > Reports > Acquisitions Reports.  Open the Payment Activity by Material Format report.

WMS payment by material type report screenshot

In the Prompts box, enter the beginning and ending dates of your fiscal year in the “from” and “to” payment date. ADD Budget status=CLOSED so that you can include last year’s data (CLICK REFRESH VALUES to see and add/remove available options). Click OK to generate report.

WMS payment by material type report screenshot

On the left hand side in the Input Controls, choose Acquisitions Type=FIRM_ORDER for one-time purchases, or SUBSCRIPTION for subscriptions, and press OK. You can toggle between types or run this report separately for each type.

screenshot of WMS payment activity by material format report

On each report, find the Grand Total in the Amount Expended column. If the Acquisitions module data has been entered correctly, this is the amount you need to report.

screenshot of WMS payment activity by material format report