For physical circulation data, use the Standard Monthly Circulation Statistics report, or the template in the PALNI Toolkit ("OCLC Monthly Circulation Statistics Report") which has been modified for ease of use. The instructions below provide guidance for setting date range prompts and user/shelving location input controls.
Setup notes: in order to retrieve your statistics most easily, you need to set up WMS correctly.
If you create transactions in the circulation system to reflect ILL activity
The instructions here ask you to include:
and exclude:
For PALShare Lending (See Interlibrary Loan and PALShare tab)
ACRL Question |
Report Options |
60: Total Physical Circulation
Also reported in: IPEDS/ATS |
TOOLKIT TEMPLATE: Monthly Circulation Statistics (Toolkit Version)
STANDARD: Monthly Circulation Statistics |
The default date setting for this report is a 12-month filter from the date on which you are opening the report. To reset the date prompts, clear “12 Months Ago” and “Beginning of this month” by the Refresh Values icon. Then, input the Begin Date of your fiscal year, and click "(manual entry)", and the End Date of your fiscal year, and and click "(manual entry)", and then click Run. Your report will generate.
When the report has run, refine the Report Input Controls in the menu across the top of the report. You can select multiple options in each input. Press OK in each of the input controls boxes when your selection is finished. This will change the data in your report.
Report Input Controls
• Report: By Borrower Category
• Level of Detail: Year
• Circulation Event Branch Name: Select the primary branch(es) of your library
• Circulation Event Borrower Category: Select your local borrower types except those that are for interlibrary loan transactions
• Item Permanent Shelving Location: Make sure you do not include equipment/computers or interlibrary loan in the shelving locations you select
Look for the Grand Total in the “Items Checked Out” column. Report this number to ACRL and IPEDS.