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Student Library Advisory Boards: Campus Connections

Information on what SLABs are, best practices, and how to get started.

Reach Out to Campus Organizations

To spread the word about your SLAB across campus, there are so many potential partners to consider!

Here are some to get you started! (This is by no means a complete list):

  • Communications/Marketing Department
  • Faculty advocates
  • Student Senate
  • Clubs (maybe you have a Latino Student Union, Astronomy Club, Theatre Club, Autism group, RPG Club--the list is endless!)
  • Career Network/Department
  • Campus Newspaper (are you able to get an interview and story in the paper?)
  • Commuter group
  • Student Support/Student Success Center
  • Campus-wide email blast or listserv
  • Public Library
  • What students do you know and already have a rapport with? Can you engage them and encourage them to spread the word?