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Student Library Advisory Boards: Best Practices

Information on what SLABs are, best practices, and how to get started.

Student Library Advisory Boards Best Practices

Successful Student Advisory Boards: Best Practices
Presentation at ACRL Conference, Portland, Oregon, March 25–28, 2015
Meg Scharf, Ameet Doshi, and Bob Fox


  • Set clear expectations.
  • Take campus culture into consideration.
  • Determine who should participate from the student side and the library side. Include the library director as a member of the group whenever possible.
  • Consider recruiting students from the following groups:
    • Student government
    • Student organizations
    •  Scholarship winners
    • Members of the honors college
    • Power users
    • Students with complaints about library services
    • Disabled students
    • International students
    • Greek students
  • Create clear agendas for meetings, complete with notes from the previous meeting.
  • Hold meetings in the nicest space available in the library.
  • Treat members in high regard. Provide them with insider information, food, and swag.
  • Make sure to thank members at the end of the year and at the end of their time of service.

Student Library Advisory Boards Best Practices

Best Practices for Sustaining a Student Advisory Board

Suzanne Helbig, February 1, 2010


  • Recruit students from all class years (undergraduate and graduate).
  • Strive for a mix of majors, ethnicities, genders, and backgrounds.
  • Include students who aren't yet familiar with library services as well as students who are.
  • Keep the application process simple.
  • Highlight to students the benefits of participating on the SLAB: leadership skills, helping other students, marketable experience, etc. 
  • Ensure that the rules of the SLAB are clear and that everyone involved knows them.
  • Ask student members for the best meeting dates and times and try to accommodate and schedule ahead of time. 
  • Share the results of the SLAB's efforts with members of the board so that they see their value in action.
  • Provide recognition for board member's contributions (certificates, gift cards, awards, etc.)