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PALNI Information Literacy: Bibliography

This guide contains mapped versions of all PALNI LibGuides focused on Information Literacy.

Resources Cited and Recommend for Further Reading


IL Assessment Overview

  • Oakleaf, Megan. (2009). The information literacy instruction assessment cycle: A guide for increasing student learning and improving librarian instruction skills. Journal of Documentation, 65(4), 539.560.
  • Oakleaf, Megan. (2009). Writing information literacy assessment plans: A guide to best practice. Communications in Information Literacy, 3(2). 
  • Zald, Anne E. and Debra Gilchrist. (2008). Instruction and program design through assessment. In Christopher N. Cox & Blakesley Lindsay (Eds.), Information literacy instruction handbook (164-192). Chicago, IL: American Library Association.

Assessment Best Practices

Considerations Prior to Assessing: Instructional Design

Considerations Prior to Assessing: Learning Outcomes

  • Anderson, L.W., & Krathwohl, D.R. (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing : A revision of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives. New York, NY: Longman.
  • Nentl, N., & Zietlow, R. (2008). Using Bloom's taxonomy to teach critical thinking skills to business students. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 15(1/2), 159–172.


Building an Information Literacy Program


Formative & Summative 


  • Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (2010). Inside the black box: Raising standards through classroom assessment. Phi Delta Kappan92(1), 81–90.
  • Dixson, D. D., & Worrell, F. C. (2016). Formative and summative assessment in the classroom. Theory Into Practice55(2), 153–159.
  • Gardner, J. (2010). Developing teacher assessments: An introduction. In J. Gardner, W. Harlen, L. Hayward, & L. Montgomery (Eds.), Developing Teacher Assessment (pp. 1–11). Maidenhead: Open University Press.


  • Gariepy, L. W., Stout, J. A., & Hodge, M. L. (2016). Using rubrics to assess learning in course-integrated library instruction. Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 16(3), 491–509.
  • Lundstrom, K., Diekema, A. R., Leary, H., Haderlie, S., & Holliday, W. (2015). Teaching and learning information synthesis: An intervention and rubric based assessment. Communications in Information Literacy, 9(1), 60–82.
  • Wiggins, G. (1998). Educative assessment: Designing assessments to inform and improve student performance. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.


Peer Evaluations

  • Middleton, C. (2002). Evolution of peer evaluation of library instruction at Oregon State University Libraries. Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 2(1), 69–78.
  • Norbury, L. (2001). Peer observation of teaching: A method for improving teaching quality. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 7(1), 87–99. 
  • SnavelyL., & Dewald, N. (2011). Developing and implementing peer review of academic librarians' teaching: An overview and case report. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 37(4), 343–351.
  • Vega García, S. A., Stacy-Bates, K. K., Alger, J., & Marupova, R. (2017). Peer evaluation of teaching in an online information literacy course. Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 17(3), 471-483.
  • Vidmar, Dale J. (2005). Reflective peer coaching: Crafting collaborative self-assessment in teaching. Research Strategies20(3), 135–148.


  • Goodsett, M. (2014). Reflective teaching: Improving library instruction through self-reflection. The Southeastern Librarian
  • Tompkins, E.K. (2009). A reflective teaching journal: An instructional improvement tool for academic librarians. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 16(4), 221–238. 
  • Vidmar, Dale J. (2005). Reflective peer coaching: Crafting collaborative self-assessment in teaching. Research Strategies20(3), 135–148.


Classroom Assessment Techniques

  • Angelo, T. A., & Cross, K. P. (2018). Classroom assessment techniques: a handbook for college teachers (2nd ed.) Jossey-Bass.
  • Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development d/b/a ASCD. (2020). Total participation techniques.
  • Barkley, E. F., & Major, C. H. (2016). Learning assessment techniques: a handbook for college faculty. Jossey-Bass & Pfeiffer Imprints, Wiley.
  • Bowles-Terry, M., & Kvenild, C. (2015). Classroom assessment techniques for librarians. Association of College and Research Libraries.
  • Gaeddert, B. K. (2003). Improving graduate theological instruction: using classroom assessment techniques to connect teaching and learning. Teaching Theology and Religion, 6(1), 48–52.
  • ​​Gariepy, L.W. (2011). Classroom assessment techniques in one-shot instruction sessions: Balancing teaching, learning, and time. In B. Sietz, R. Baier, S. De Vries, S. Fabian, S. Memmot, & R. Stevens (Eds.), LOEX Conference Proceedings. Paper presented at the LOEX 29th Annual Conference, Fort Worth, TX, 3-5 December.
  • Himmele Pérsida, & Himmele, W. (2017). Total participation techniques : making every student an active learner (2nd ed.). ASCD.
  • Hostetler, K., Luo, T., & Stefaniak, J. E. (2018). Aligning information literacy assessment with metacognitive strategies. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 15(5).