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PALNI Information Literacy: LMS Versions

This guide contains mapped versions of all PALNI LibGuides focused on Information Literacy.

LMS Versions

If your institution is using Canvas, you can get the PALNI IL Modules from the Canvas Commons. Just do a search for "PALNI Information Literacy."

Otherwise, the links below take you to LMS file versions of each module, stored on the PALNI Google Team Drive. These files allow you to use the modules in your LMS as classes. 

To import the full course or individual modules into your LMS, you will need to take the following steps:

1.       Gain access to a course in your LMS to import the files. This might be an individual instructor’s course or a course that is specifically created for the library instruction.

2.       Click the link(s) and download the file(s) desired.

3.       Work with your instructional designer, IT department, or individual course faculty to upload the file(s) into the course(s). NOTE: These files are exported from Canvas, which will be a necessary piece of information to provide when uploading them to your LMS.

Once the files are uploaded, you may need to do some cleanup to get the content to look and function as desired in your LMS.


Creative Commons License

All of the PALNI Information Literacy Modules are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.