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PALNI Communication Manual: Elevator Speeches

This manual covers the basics of communicating within PALNI.

Content Blurbs for internal email and marketing to PALNI schools

Drafted: October 9, 2018 by Communications and Marketing Director

Revised 10/29; Revised 11/6; Finalized 11/13 by Communication Beyond the Library TF


General PALNI-internal Audience

PALNI is a non-profit organization made up of 24 private academic libraries - including (Name of school)’s library.  In PALNI, your library collaborates with the other supported institutions to enhance faculty teaching and student learning for academic success. Through the “Power of PALNI,” each school benefits from reducing the duplication of efforts and achieving more in quality, value, and support.


Centers for Teaching and Learning

PALNI is a non-profit organization made up of 24 private academic libraries - including (Name of school)’s library.  In PALNI, your library collaborates with the other supported institutions to enhance faculty teaching and student learning for academic success. With the academic landscape continually changing, this library-to-library collaboration seeks to partner with other campus departments, like the Centers for Teaching and Learning, to achieve more in quality, value, and support for faculty and students.


Instructional Technologists & Instructional Designers

PALNI is a non-profit organization made up of 24 private academic libraries - including (Name of school)’s library.  In PALNI, your library collaborates with the other supported institutions to enhance faculty teaching and student learning. PALNI’s library-to-library collaboration now includes Instructional Technologists and Designers to provide additional resources and support in areas such as learning management systems (LMS), instructional technology tools, and course assessment.


Faculty Development Offices

PALNI is a non-profit organization made up of 24 private academic libraries - including (Name of school)’s library.  In PALNI, your library collaborates with the other supported institutions to enhance faculty teaching and student learning. This library-to-library collaboration works alongside faculty at every school to improve student success in multiple ways, such as: developing instructional aids and tutorials covering common topics like plagiarism, copyright, and citation, free professional development for faculty and staff, sharing library materials via the PALShare lending service, and support for integrating open access textbooks freely available to your students through the PALSave initiative.



PALNI is a non-profit organization made up of 24 private academic libraries - including  (Name of school)’s library. In PALNI, your library collaborates with the other supported institutions to enhance faculty teaching and student learning. This library-to-library collaboration seeks to work with faculty at every school to improve student success in multiple ways, such as: developing instructional aids and tutorials covering common topics like plagiarism, copyright, and citation, free professional development for faculty and staff, sharing library materials via the PALShare lending service, and support for integrating open access textbooks freely available to your students through the PALSave initiative.


Institutional Review Boards

PALNI is a non-profit organization made up of 24 private academic libraries - including (Name of school)’s library.  In PALNI, your library collaborates with the other supported institutions to enhance faculty teaching and student learning. As student and faculty needs are continually changing, PALNI values assessment in order to identify information needs and promote student success. Since 2011, PALNI has conducted user studies concerning online research products, space assessment, and student and faculty habits.


Information Technology / Computing Services

PALNI is a non-profit organization made up of 24 private academic libraries - including (Name of school)’s library.  In PALNI, your library collaborates with the other supported institutions to enhance faculty teaching and student learning. With student success extending beyond the library and depending on access to quality computing services, we work to partner with other departments, like Information Technology, to achieve more in quality, value, and support for students and faculty.


Marketing/Communications Department

PALNI is a non-profit organization made up of 24 private academic libraries - including (Name of school)’s library.  In PALNI, your library collaborates with the other supported institutions to enhance faculty teaching and student learning. Through the collaborative “Power of PALNI,” the libraries are able to achieve more in quality, value, and support for student success while reducing costs for all PALNI institutions.


Online/Distance Education

PALNI is a non-profit organization made up of 24 private academic libraries - including (Name of school)’s library.  In PALNI, your library collaborates with the other supported institutions to enhance faculty teaching and student learning. In recent years, demands for online and distance education have increased along with student needs and faculty challenges. To support this growing area of education, PALNI’s library-to-library collaboration now includes Instructional Technologists and Designers to provide additional resources and support for assessment and development of distance learning.


Administrators (same as marketing)

PALNI is a non-profit organization made up of 24 private academic libraries - including (Name of school)’s library.  In PALNI, your library collaborates with the other supported institutions to enhance faculty teaching and student learning. Through the collaborative “Power of PALNI,” the libraries are able to achieve more in quality, value, and support for student success while reducing costs for all PALNI institutions.



PALNI is a non-profit organization made up of 24 private academic libraries - including (Name of school)’s library.  In PALNI, your library collaborates with the other supported institutions to enhance faculty teaching and student learning. This library-to-library collaboration is dedicated to improving student success academically and professionally by providing state-of-the-art online research products, access to over 4 million print materials via PALShare lending, and conducting space and study habits research. PALNI also works with faculty to improve instruction by developing engaging tools and guides, textbook cost reduction initiatives, and support for course development.

When writing on behalf of a PALNI group

I am writing this on behalf of the Reference, Instruction, and Outreach Advisory Group (RIO) for the Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (PALNI). This advisory group assists twenty-four member libraries (which includes Goshen's) by providing support and services for learning, teaching, and research.