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First Year Experience Toolkit

PALNI Information Literacy Modules

The PALNI Information Literacy modules are a set of 15 modules on the following topics available for use as LMS or LibGuide versions. Each module contains learning outcomes, course content, an activity, and a quiz. Modules can stand alone or be used in any combination. The modules are linked to our FYE Learning Outcomes in the following ways:

  1. Students will be familiar with library building locations and service points.
  2. Students will be familiar with services offered to them on the library website.
  3. Students will know whom to go to for help with their library research and feel comfortable approaching librarians and library staff.
  4. Students will be able to effectively navigate library resources to find appropriate sources for an assignment. 
    • Module 2: Searching for Information Online
    • Module 3: Advanced Searching
    • Module 7: Information Cycles and Communication Sources
  5. Students will be introduced to the advantages of using interlibrary loan and other resource sharing systems.
  6. Students will be aware of their total information network. 
    • Module 4: Evaluating Sources
    • Module 5: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources
    • Module 7: Information Cycles and Communication Sources
  7. Students will be able to identify keywords from a given topic and construct an effective search strategy. 
    • Module 3: Advanced Searching
    • Module 1: Forming Your Research Question
  8. Students will be able to distinguish between credible information types in order to select sources whose authority, currency and purpose are relevant to their information needs.
    • Module 4: Evaluating Sources
    • Module 5: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources
    • Module 7: Information Cycles and Communication Sources
    • Module 8: Misinformation and Media Bias
  9. Students will be introduced to the value of the information provided by the library, both financial and intellectual. 
    • Module 15: Information Has Value
  10. Students recognize the necessity of attribution in order to engage ethically and legally in scholarly conversation.
    • Module 9: Organizing Sources
    • Module 10: Academic Integrity
    • Module 11: Understanding Plagiarism & Citing Sources
    • Module 12: Copyright, Fair Use, & Public Domain