Each of these boxes will be used as additional optional readings for camp sessions.
Session 2A: Campus collaborations: service and space considerations (Jessica)
Bladek, M. (2021, May). Student well-being matters: Academic library support for the whole student. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(3), 3-8.
Kelly, K., Gauder, H. (2020). Taking Flight as a Campus Partner: Library Programs Support a Residential Curriculum. In M. Vrkljan and S. Vong (Eds.), Learning beyond the Classroom: Engaging Students in Information Literacy through Co-Curricular Activities(pp. 22-28). Association of College & Research Libraries.
Keyes, K. (2017, June 16). Welcoming spaces: Supporting parenting students at the academic library. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 43(4), 319-328.
Session 2B: Library space redesign (James)
Brook, F., Ellenwood, D., & Lazzaro, A. E. (2015). In pursuit of antiracist social justice: denaturalizing whiteness in the academic library. Library Trends, 64(2), 246–284.
Moore, D. R. and Schwartz, M. (2021, May 10). Inside out: extending the library’s outdoor space footprint. Library Journal.
Rodgers, E. P. (2020, June 25). Reopening libraries: designing for health. Library Journal.
Source: The Magazine of the University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries, 3(2).
Watanabe, T. (2017, April 19). Universities redesign libraries for the 21st century: fewer books, more space. Los Angeles Times.
Session 2C: Data storytime (Eric)
Cooke, S. J., Gallagher, A. J., Sopinka, N. M., Nguyen, V. M., Skubel, R. A., Hammerschlag, N., Boon, S., Young, N., & Danylchuk, A. J. (2017). Considerations for effective science communication. FACETS.
Czaran, E., Wolski, M., & Richardson, J. (2017). Improving Research Impact Through the Use of Media. Open Information Science, 1(1), 41–55.
Davenport, T. (2013). Telling a story with data: Communicating effectively with analytics. Deloitte Review, 12, 70–83.
Session 3A: PALNI IL Modules (Ruth)
Greer, K., Hess, A. N., & Kraemer, E. W. (2016). The librarian leading the machine: a reassessment of library instruction methods. College & Research Libraries, 77(3), 286-301.
Loo, J. L., Eifler, D., Smith, E., Pendse, L., He, J., Sholinbeck, M., Tanasse, G., Nelson, J. K., & Dupuis, E. A. (2016). Flipped instruction for information literacy: five instructional cases of academic librarians. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 42(3), 273–280.
Thill, M., Rosenzweig, J. W., & Wallis, L. C. (2016). The relationship between student demographics and student engagement with online library instruction modules. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 11(3), 4-15.
Session 3B: One-Shots via Zoom (James)
Almeida, N. (2020, Nov 13). Privacy, Consent, and the Virtual One-Shot. ACRLog.
Joe, J. (2020). In Support of Online Learning: A COVID-19 One Shot Case Study. Codex: the Journal of the Louisiana Chapter of the ACRL, 5(4), 54-69.
Walker, L. (2021, April 9). Intimacy and Interruption in Remote Library Instruction. Hybrid Pedagogy.
Session 3C: Blended library instruction: Pedagogy and information literacy (Jessica)
Humrickhouse, E. (2021, March). Flipped classroom pedagogy in an online learning environment: A self-regulated introduction to information literacy threshold concepts. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(2).
Loo, J. L., Eifler, D., Smith, E., Pendse, L., He, J., Sholinbeck, M., Tanasse, G., Nelson, J. K., & Dupuis, E. A. (2016). Flipped instruction for information literacy: five instructional cases of academic librarians. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 42(3), 273–280.
McCue, R. (2014). Does a Blended Learning, Flipped Classroom Pedagogy Help Information Literacy Students in the Long Term Adoption of Research Skills? LLRX.