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Camp RIO 2021: Read at Camp

Transitioning beyond COVID: Camp RIO 2021 was held Aug 9-10, 2021, at Lake Placid Christian Conference Center

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Each of these boxes will be used as additional optional readings for camp sessions.

Session 2A: Campus collaborations: service and space considerations (Jessica)

  • Bladek, M. (2021, May). Student well-being matters: Academic library support for the whole student. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(3), 3-8.
  • Kelly, K., Gauder, H. (2020). Taking Flight as a Campus Partner: Library Programs Support a Residential Curriculum. In M. Vrkljan and S. Vong (Eds.), Learning beyond the Classroom: Engaging Students in Information Literacy through Co-Curricular Activities (pp. 22-28). Association of College & Research Libraries.
  • Keyes, K. (2017, June 16). Welcoming spaces: Supporting parenting students at the academic library. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 43(4), 319-328.

Session 2B: Library space redesign (James)

  • Brook, F., Ellenwood, D., & Lazzaro, A. E. (2015). In pursuit of antiracist social justice: denaturalizing whiteness in the academic library. Library Trends, 64(2), 246–284.
  • Moore, D. R. and Schwartz, M. (2021, May 10). Inside out: extending the library’s outdoor space footprint. Library Journal.
  • Rodgers, E. P. (2020, June 25). Reopening libraries: designing for health. Library Journal.
  • Source: The Magazine of the University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries, 3(2).
  • Watanabe, T. (2017, April 19). Universities redesign libraries for the 21st century: fewer books, more space. Los Angeles Times.

Session 2C: Data storytime (Eric)

  • Cooke, S. J., Gallagher, A. J., Sopinka, N. M., Nguyen, V. M., Skubel, R. A., Hammerschlag, N., Boon, S., Young, N., & Danylchuk, A. J. (2017). Considerations for effective science communication. FACETS.
  • Czaran, E., Wolski, M., & Richardson, J. (2017). Improving Research Impact Through the Use of Media. Open Information Science, 1(1), 41–55.
  • Davenport, T. (2013). Telling a story with data: Communicating effectively with analytics. Deloitte Review, 12, 70–83.

Session 3A: PALNI IL Modules (Ruth)

  • Greer, K., Hess, A. N., & Kraemer, E. W. (2016). The librarian leading the machine: a reassessment of library instruction methods. College & Research Libraries, 77(3), 286-301.
  • Loo, J. L., Eifler, D., Smith, E., Pendse, L., He, J., Sholinbeck, M., Tanasse, G., Nelson, J. K., & Dupuis, E. A. (2016). Flipped instruction for information literacy: five instructional cases of academic librarians. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 42(3), 273–280.
  • PALNI Information Literacy Modules.
  • Thill, M., Rosenzweig, J. W., & Wallis, L. C. (2016). The relationship between student demographics and student engagement with online library instruction modules. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 11(3), 4-15.

Session 3B: One-Shots via Zoom (James)

  • Almeida, N. (2020, Nov 13). Privacy, Consent, and the Virtual One-Shot. ACRLog.
  • Joe, J. (2020). In Support of Online Learning: A COVID-19 One Shot Case Study. Codex: the Journal of the Louisiana Chapter of the ACRL, 5(4), 54-69.
  • Walker, L. (2021, April 9). Intimacy and Interruption in Remote Library Instruction. Hybrid Pedagogy.

Session 3C: Blended library instruction: Pedagogy and information literacy (Jessica)

  • Humrickhouse, E. (2021, March). Flipped classroom pedagogy in an online learning environment: A self-regulated introduction to information literacy threshold concepts. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(2).
  • Loo, J. L., Eifler, D., Smith, E., Pendse, L., He, J., Sholinbeck, M., Tanasse, G., Nelson, J. K., & Dupuis, E. A. (2016). Flipped instruction for information literacy: five instructional cases of academic librarians. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 42(3), 273–280.
  • McCue, R. (2014). Does a Blended Learning, Flipped Classroom Pedagogy Help Information Literacy Students in the Long Term Adoption of Research Skills? LLRX.