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Brand and Writing Style Guidelines : Home

Best practices for institutional visual identities / logos and web writing guidelines across PALNI schools.

Brand Guidelines and Writing Style Guides by PALNI School

  External Marketing Guide Page Writing Specific Style Guide
AMBS AMBS Visual Identity Guidelines (restricted to PALNI) Not formally defined
Anderson Identity Standards Manual (restricted to PALNI) AU Editorial Style Guide
Bethel Brand Continuity Guide (restricted to PALNI) Not formally defined
Butler Butler's Brand Toolkit
Concordia Not formally defined Not formally defined
DePauw Brand and Identity DePauw Writing Style Guide
Earlham Design and style guidelines
Franklin Franklin College Brand Guidelines (restricted to PALNI) Franklin College Style Guide (restricted to PALNI)
Goshen Style Guides & Tutorials Writing Style Guide
Grace Internal Internal
Hanover Brand Guidelines Internal
Huntington Corporate Identity Standards
Manchester Brand Toolkit The Manchester Guide
Marian This is our brand
Oakland City OCU Brand Guidelines (restricted to PALNI) Not formally defined
Saint Mary's

Graphic Standards Quick Guide

Logo and Brand Identity

St. Meinrad    
Taylor Taylor Brand Guide Brand Voice
Trine Trine Identity Manual (restricted to PALNI) Trine Style Guide | Addendum (restricted to PALNI)
U Indy Brand Standards and Guidelines
USF USF Graphic and Language Standards (restricted to PALNI) Not formally defined
Wabash Brand Guidelines (restricted to PALNI) Not formally defined


About Us

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Reference, Instruction, and Outreach (RIO) Coordinators
Ruth Szpunar and Eric Bradley coordinate PALNI collaboration and communication on Reference, Instruction, and Outreach activities and develop best practices. They also assist libraries in providing support, services, and product information for learning, teaching, and research, as well as ways to assess and demonstrate that impact. Eric Bradley is the Head of Research & Instruction for Goshen College's Good Library. Both Ruth and Eric are co-founders of Aestiva Solutions.

Copyright Notice

PALNI's Brand and Writing Style Guidelines LibGuide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. PALNI’s logos and branding template are not covered by this license, and all rights to such material are reserved.

Creative Commons License