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Camp RIO 2018: Read at Camp

20 PALNI librarians participated in Camp RIO 2018-Intentional Teaching, which was held July 19-20th, 2018, at Waycross Camp and Conference Center

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Each of these boxes will be used as additional optional readings for camp sessions.

Session 1A: Collaborating with faculty outside of instruction (Amanda)

Avery, S. (2013). Adjunct faculty and the library: A challenge for change. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 20(1), 25-39.


Cox, J. (2016). Communicating New Library Roles to Enable Digital Scholarship: A Review Article. New Review Of Academic Librarianship, 22(2/3), 132-147.


Díaz, J., O. & Mandernach, M. A. (2017). Relationship building one step at a time: Case studies of successful faculty librarian partnerships. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 17(2), 273-282.


James, H., & Nowacek, R. S. (2015, April 15). Won’t you be (more than) my neighbor? Writing center/library partnerships [blog]. Retrieved from


Tans, E.D. (2017). Sustainable academic libraries: A campus partnership at Michigan State University. In W. L. Filho, M. Mifsud, C. Shiel, & R. Pretorius (Eds.), Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education (pp. 89-100). Springer, Cham, Switzerland.

Session 1B: Scaffolding information literacy learning objectives (Eric)

Belland, B. R. (2014). Scaffolding: Definition, current debates, and future directions. In Handbook of research on educational communications and technology (pp. 505-518). Springer, New York, NY.


Cook, K., Keller, D., & Myers, A. (2014). Bioethics in the Hunger Games: Evaluating the effects of genetic engineering through popular fiction. Science Teacher, 81(1), 31-37.


Dawn, S., Dominguez, K. D., Troutman, W. G., Bond, R., & Cone, C. (2011). Instructional scaffolding to improve students’ skills in evaluating clinical literature. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 75(4), 62.


Kelly, C., & Brower, C. (2017). Making Meaning through Media: Scaffolding Academic and Critical Media Literacy with Texts about Schooling. Journal Of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 60(6), 655-666.

Rosenshine, B., & Meister, C. (1992). The use of scaffolds for teaching higher-level cognitive strategies. Educational Leadership, 49(7), 26.

Session 1C: When you want to fight against the One Shot (James)

Barefoot, M. R. (2017). Student research & intrinsic motivation: Effects of formative assessment and the two-session model of information literacy instruction. Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice, 5(1), 13-25.


Julien, H., & Pecoskie, J. (2009). Librarians’ experiences of the teaching role: Grounded in campus relationships. Library & Information Science Research, 31, 149-154.


Leeder, K. (2011, April 7). Collaborating with faculty part 1: A five-step program. Retrieved from In The Library With The Lead Pipe, AND Leeder, K. (2011, July 13). Collaborating with faculty part 2: What our partnerships look like. Retrieved from In The Library With The Lead Pipe,


Junisbai, B. M., Lowe, S. & Tagge, N. (2016). A pragmatic and flexible approach to information literacy: Findings from a three-year study of faculty-librarian collaboration, The Journal of Academic Librarianship 42, 604-611.

Session 2: Know Your Learners (Susan)

Booth, C. (2011). Chapter 4: A crash course in learning theory. Reflective teaching, effective learning : Instructional literacy for library educators. Chicago: American Library Association.


Booth, C. (2011). Chapter 5: A correction course in instructional theory. Reflective teaching, effective learning : Instructional literacy for library educators. Chicago: American Library Association.


Buchanan, H., & McDonough, B. (2014) Chapter 3. The one-shot library instruction survival guide. Chicago: ALA Editions.


Duffy, D., & Jones, J. (1995). Teaching within the rhythms of the semester. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 140-155.


Husmann, P., & O'Loughlin, V. (2018). Another nail in the coffin for learning styles? disparities among undergraduate anatomy students’ study strategies, class performance, and reported vARK learning styles. Anatomical Sciences Education.


Kirschner, P. (2017). Stop propagating the learning styles myth. Computers & Education, 106, 166-171.


Kirschner, P., & Van Merriënboer, J. (2013). Do learners really know best? Urban legends in education. Educational Psychologist, 48(3), 169-183.


Lang, J. M. (2016) Small changes in teaching: The first 5 minutes of class. The Chronicle Of Higher Education.


Lang, J. M. (2016). Small changes in teaching: The last 5 minutes of class. The Chronicle Of Higher Education.


Lukowiak, T., & Hunzicker, J. (2013). Understanding how and why college students engage in learning. Journal of Effective Teaching, 13(1), 44-63.


Riener, C., & Willingham, D. (2010). The myth of learning styles. Change, 42(5), 32-35.

Session 3A: Gamification (Amanda)

Battles, J., Glenn, V., & Shedd, L. (2011). Rethinking the library game: Creating an alternate reality with social media. Journal of Web Librarianship, 5(2), 114-131.


Bell, K. (2018). Gameful Design: A Potential Game Changer. Educause Review, 53(3), 40-48.


Coleman, J.D. (2018) Engaging undergraduate students in a co-curricular digital badging platform. Education and Information Technologies, 23(1), 211-224.


Fleck, B. K., Beckman, L. M., Sterns, J. L., & Hussey, H. D. (2014). YouTube in the classroom: Helpful tips and student perceptions. Journal of Effective Teaching, 14(3), 21-37.


Shapiro, A. M., Sims-Knight, J., O'Rielly, G. V., Capaldo, P., Pedlow, T., Gordon, L., & Monteiro, K. (2017). Clickers can promote fact retention but impede conceptual understanding. Computers & Education, 111(C), 44-59.

Todd, A. (2017). Why Gamification is Malarkey. The Morning Watch: Educational and Social Analysis, 44(1-2).

Session 3B: Beyond the traditional classroom (Jessica)

Arnold-Garza, S. (January 2014). The flipped classroom: Assessing an innovative teaching model for effective and engaging library instruction. C&RL News. 10-13.


Datig, I., & Ruswick, C. (2013, May). Four quick flips: Activities for the information literacy classroom.  C&RL News, 249-251, 257.


I recommend reading these articles in tandem., two articles serving the purpose of one. Arnold-Garza reference the article written by Datig and Ruswick.


Budhai, S.S., & Williams, M. (2016). Teaching presence in online courses: Practical applications, co-facilitation, and technology integration. The Journal of Effective Teaching, 16.3. 76-84.


Woods, K. & Bliss, K. (2016). Facilitating successful online discussions. The Journal of Effective Teaching, 16.2. 76-92.

Session 4A: CATs (Jessica)

Bergquist, E., & Holbeck, R. (2014). Classroom assessment techniques: A conceptual model for CATs in the online classroom. Journal of Instructional Research, 3, 3-7.


Brookhart, S.M. (2004). Assessment theory for college classrooms. New Directions for Teaching and Learning. 100, 5-14.

Chappuis, J., et. al. (2012). “Classroom Assessment: Every Student a Learner.”Classroom Assessment for Student Learning. Pearson Assessment Training Institute.

Session 4B: Reflective practice, intentional teaching (Ruth and Susan)

Dress, A. (2012). Reimagining teacher development: Cultivating spirit. Exchange: The Early Childhood Leaders' Magazine Since 1978, 203(203), 28-31.


Dyment, J., & O'Connell, T. (2014). When the ink runs dry: Implications for theory and practice when educators stop keeping reflective journals. Innovative Higher Education, 39(5), 417-429.


Goodsett, M. (2014). Reflective teaching: Improving library instruction through self-reflection. The Southeastern Librarian, 62(4), 12-15.


Gregory, K. H., & Burbage, A. K. (2017). Exploring Faculty Development identity through self-study: Teaching philosophies, reflective practice, and critical friendship. Journal Of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research, 12(2), 110-124.


Intrator, S., & Kunzman, R. (2006). Starting with the soul. Educational Leadership, 63(6), 38-42.


Intrator, S. (2005). The Heart of a Teacher: Making the Connection between Teaching and Inner Life Educating Children for Democracy, 9, 12-16.


Kenny, A., Mitchell, E., Chróinín, D. N., Vaughan, E., & Murtagh, E. (2014). ‘In their shoes’: exploring a modified approach to peer observation of teaching in a university setting. Innovations In Education & Teaching International, 51(2), 218-229.


Palmer, P., Jackson, M., & Tucker, E. (2002). Introduction. The courage to teach : Exploring the inner landscape of a teacher's life San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass.


Palmer, P. (2000). Chapter 4: Leading from within. Let your life speak : Listening for the voice of vocation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


Tompkins, E.K. (2009). A reflective teaching journal: An instructional improvement tool for academic librarians. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 16(4), 221–238.

Winchester, T., & Winchester, M. (2014). A longitudinal investigation of the impact of faculty reflective practices on students' evaluations of teaching. British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(1), 112-124.

Session 4C: Analyzing and applying assessment data (Eric)

Adachi, C., Tai, J. H. M., & Dawson, P. (2018). Academics’ perceptions of the benefits and challenges of self and peer assessment in higher education. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 43(2), 294-306.


Astin, A. W., & Antonio, A. L. (2012). Analyzing assessment data. In Assessment for Excellence: The Philosophy and Practice of Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.


Deeley, S. J. (2018). Using technology to facilitate effective assessment for learning and feedback in higher education. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 43(3), 439-448.

Liu, X. (2010). Using data to improve assessment and instruction. Essentials of Science Classroom Assessment. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, Inc.