All PALNI LibGuides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. PALNI’s logos and branding template are not covered by this license, and all rights to such material are reserved.
☐ Guide is assigned a type (subject, course, topic, etc.)
☐ Guide has been assigned the appropriate subject(s) and/or tag(s) according to the course description
☐ Guide has a friendly URL assigned
☐ Guide has been viewed on multiple devices to check responsiveness
☐ Guide follows institution’s fonts, colors, and styles (See PALNI Brand and Writing Style Guidelines for your school)
☐ Guide and its pages and boxes follows locally defined:
☐ Naming conventions
☐ LibGuide style guidelines
☐ Use of librarian profile boxes
☐ LibGuide licensing (Creative Commons or other)
☐ Navigation layout (Tab or Side-Nav)
☐ Guide does not duplicate content in an already published guide
☐ Guide provides attribution to content copied from other guide owners as required by Creative Commons license
☐ Guide is not just a list of links, books, resources, etc.
☐ Guide has been proofread for spelling and grammar
☐ Box text that was copied-and-pasted into the guide was cleared of nonstandard styling
☐ Database and links are added from Database Assets, not as a list of links in a Rich Text Box
☐ Database and links have descriptions that are displayed below the link title
☐ Database and links lists are kept to 7 or less (or broken up and grouped thematically)
☐ Database and links are ordered by relevance
☐ Database and links follow accessibility standards
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☐ Videos have closed captions or include a transcript
Checklist adapted from Boston College Libraries, University of Illinois University Library, University of Connecticut Library, Florida International University Libraries, and Vanderbilt University Heard Libraries