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PALNI Hyku Migration: Working with Metadata

Metadata Requirements By Worktype

For all worktypes, the required metadata fields are item, source identifier (source id), model, title, creator, keyword, resource type, and rights statement (URI only).

ETD (Electronic Thesis or Dissertation) Worktype Instructions

For the ETD worktype, the following metadata fields are also required:

Degree Discipline

Degree Level

Degree Discipline

Degree Grantor

OER (Open Educational Resources) Worktype Instructions

For the OER worktype, the following metadata fields are also required and field values must come from a set of controlled vocabularies for each field:


Education Level

Learning Resource Type


Bulk Upload Function

  • The bulk upload (Bulkrax) option is case sensitive in terms of column names and file extensions and the files to be loaded must be in a folder named files not Files. 
  • Currently, this function appears to be limited to 100 items per bulk upload.
  • If you are using a CONTENTdm export or another existing metadata spreadsheet, you can use the Find and Replace function in Excel to change semicolons to the | (pipe symbol) in fields with multiple entries such as subjects, keywords, etc.
  • To add multiple entries for a specific metadata field the terms are separated with the | (pipe) symbol rather than a semicolon.  You can also use multiple columns instead such as subject_1 subject_2 subject_3 etc. or creator_1 creator_2 etc.
  • Instead of compound objects, Hyku has parent child relationships.  See the Importer Fuction (Bulk Upload) User Guide for more details.    
  • Multiple worktypes can be loaded during the same bulk upload as long as the required fields are included for each worktype.
  • Please note if you are using this feature to add items to a collection with workflow settings that require mediated deposits, each item you upload will need to be approved individually after they are ingested into Hyku.

Importer Function (Bulk Upload) Video Demo

Please note, some of this information is out of date including the inability to use colons and some of the column names displayed in the spreadsheets in the video.  Please consult other sources for current column names for bulk uploading.

Templates & Example Bulk Upload Spreadsheets

Please note that beyond the required fields for each worktype, the following spreadsheets provide some examples of additional fields, but a different combination of fields may be used for your own project. 

Current Known Issues with Metadata Fields in Hyku

Last updated: 04/12/24

The following field loads during the bulk upload process, but does not display to the public.  This field will be made public in a future update.

  • Additional Rights Information

The following field is not available for bulk uploads:

  • Extent

Faceted Subjects

Hyku offers more options for faceted searching than CONTENTdm.  To take advantage of this feature, some libraries convert their LCSH to faceted subjects for improved searching in systems such as Hyku.  

One example is the Southern Appalachian Digital Collections (SADC) parternship, a collaboration between Western Carolina University (WCU) and the University of North Carolina Asheville (UNCA).  Rebecca Saunders, Cataloging and Metadata Librarian at Western Carolina University presented about this work at the 2024 ALA Core Interest Group Week.  

2024 Faceted Subject Access ALA Core Interest Group Week Presentation Recording

Rights Statements, Copyright Help, and Creative Commons Licenses
List of 12 standardized rights statements, suitable for describing the copyright status of any item in Hyku. These statements populate the required field Rights Statement in all three Hyku work types.

Creative Commons Licenses
List of 6 licenses copyright holders may assign to their work (e.g. CC BY). These licenses populate the optional License field in all three Hyku types. Only add a license if you are sure that you or your institution have the authority to do so.