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PALNI Hyku Migration: Home

Welcome to the PALNI Hyku LibGuide

Stylized infographic says What is Hyku? IR and Digital Collection plaform (flexible use), Funded by IMLS grants (since 2019), Collaboration between PALNI and PALCI (and more), Based on Samvera and Hyrax (modern code), Open-source and multi-tenant (cost-effective), community developed (shared efforts)
Reasons to move to hyku
Stylized infographic describing Hyku's techonology

Task Force Members

Amanda Hurford - PALNI (chair)

Lisa Bennett - Butler University

Eric Bradley - Goshen College 

Jules Cabiya - Butler University

Bristy DeJesus - Butler University

Cale Erwin - Butler University

Darla Haines - Manchester University

Evan Miller - Wabash College

Nic Don Stanton-Roark - Anderson University

Examples of Hyku Collections

Please note, some of these repositories/collections use a different instance of Hyku than the PALNI version.

Atla Institutional Repository

Shared Research Repository (British Library)

Generative AI in Education (PALNI)

University of Louisville University Libraries Digital Collections

Other Examples Listed on the Samvera Wiki